Heba's success story from Egypt

Obesity is a disease suffered by many people in Egypt and the Middle East, and is already a disease because it stops human life and causes many complications such as difficulty in moving as a result of arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes for some of them, in addition to difficulty in breathing and waking up several times during sleep.

If a person is unable to lose weight through healthy diets and sports, Bariatric Surgeries are very suitable for many people, especially those with high weights and those with chronic diseases, because these surgeries help to eliminate both obesity and chronic diseases.

With the decision of the bariatric surgery, which is certainly an important decision, but the most important is the selection of a bariatric surgeon, and when choosing, you should be sure of his extensive experience in various bariatric surgeries and his honesty, and should also be characterized by the presence of many success stories for previous obesity cases to be safe before the start of the operation. All of this is available with Dr. Wael Shaalan, because he follows the latest technologies and is familiar with all that is new in bariatric surgeries and has an integrated team of anesthesia at the highest level, in addition to being present in various social media platforms to provide a lot of medical information and answer all the queries of patients and followers.

As we can see the image attached to the article by Heba, one of the heroines who challenge obesity through Gastric Sleeve Surgery, shows the extent of achievement and success in losing excess weight and getting rid of obesity and appearing on her face happiness and self-confidence shortly after the Gastric Sleeve Surgery.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery with Laparoscopy:

It is the most common bariatric surgey through which about 70-80% of the stomach is cut to a banana or sleeve, so it is called Gastric Sleeve. The importance of this surgery is that it gets rid of the stomach part responsible for the hormone ghreline also known as hunger hormone, so the feeling of hunger decreases after the operation and weight loss becomes faster, but the person must follow the instructions of the nutritionist and continue to exercise and eat healthy to avoid gastric expansion and weight gain again.

Candidates for Gastric Sleeve Surgery:

1- The patient who has BMI more than 35.
2- The appropriate age for the patient in this surgery is between 18 and 65 years.
3- A person who does not have problems with blood fluidity or liver and kidney function.
4- The patient has to be prepared to adhere to a healthy diet and exercise on a daily basis.

Benefits of Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve:

1- A little recovery period.
2- The operation is done through small openings.
3- Better procedure with no scars.
4- Hospital stay for one day only.
5- Return to normal life within 5 days at most.