Gastric Bypass surgery

Gastric bypass surgery - Dr wael shalaan best obesity surgery

Obesity is a modern-day disease and Egypt is at the top of the list of countries in terms of spreading.

Obesity is a serious disease that you cannot ignore or overlook its damages and complications because these damages and complications can hinder the life of an obese person. 

Obesity Is caused by many factors, including genetics, wrong lifestyle and diet and hormonal imbalance. As the obesity causing factors are many, And so are the types of bariatric surgeries.

Bariatric surgeries are the best solution for treating obesity in terms of safety and optimal outcomes desired by the patient.

As mentioned earlier, Bariatric Surgeries are of a variety of types, including:

- Gastric sleeve surgery.
- SASI surgery.
- Bikini Gastric sleeve surgery.
- Mini gastric sleeve surgery.
- One port gastric sleeve surgery.
- Gastric bypass surgery which we will discuss in this article.

Why are there many types of bariatric surgeries and how are they different from before:

Over time and with the progress of science, bariatric surgeries also developed. In the past, surgeries required a large abdominal wound, which increased the risks of infection and prolonged the time of healing of the wound thus the period of recovery will be longer for the patient to return to normal life. Now, surgery is only done by laparoscope, which means increased surgical safety rates, rapid healing of the wound and a shorter recovery period, and the patient can return to normal life in a short period of time. Also, There are many types of bariatric surgeries to suit the patient's different needs.

What is gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery is a bariatric surgery that separates the upper part of the stomach and calls it small pouch and this part will be the only receiver of food and drink, thus reducing the amount of food and drink received by the stomach which facilitates the process of weight loss and then the upper part or the small pouch of the stomach is connected to a part of the small intestine directly about a meter and a half away which reduces the absorption of a lot of food which helps to lose weight.

Why choose gastric bypass surgery specifically?

Gastric bypass surgery is the perfect choice for obese patients with type 2 diabetes and that is because of how the process of gastric bypass surgery go:

1- Reducing the size of the stomach and reducing the amount of sugar that can be taken and thus maintaining a normal blood sugar rate.
2- The gastric bypass surgery helps changing the course of absorption of food and particularly reduces the absorption of sugar, so that diabetics type II can get rid of using anti diabetic medications.
3- Obesity and the accumulation of body fat increases the resistance of insulin in the body, which makes the blood sugar rate increase and by eliminating obesity and the fat accumulated in the body you can also get rid of insulin resistance and maintain a normal sugar rate.
4- Getting rid of obesity through gastric bypass surgery helps the pancreas to do its job better and avoid high blood sugar rate.

So, through gastric bypass surgery, 95% of type 2 diabetics are cured.

Who are the candidates for gastric bypass surgery?

1- Those with a BMI of 35 kg or higher are accompanied by illness or chronic diseases such as heart disease and blood pressure.
2- Those with BMI of 40 kg or higher.
3- Diabetics type II.
4. Patients with diaphragm hernia and esophageal reflux

How do I guarantee the success of gastric bypass surgery?

As a first step, you can ensure the success of the surgery by selecting a skilled surgeon with great experience in bariatric surgeries, a surgeon you can rely on and his team in terms of checking your medical history, current condition and continuous follow-up even after successful surgery.

As a second step, you should follow your doctor's tips and follow all his instructions before and after surgery.

Examples of pre-gastric bypass surgery instructions include:

1- Conducting examination and laboratory tests. 
2- Quit smoking for at least two weeks before surgery.
3. Give your full medical history to your doctor so that he can take into account all your needs.
4- Inform your doctor about taking any medications before the procedure, especially anti-platelet drugs, as they may have an effect during surgery.
5. If you are diabetic, you should review your dosage of anti-diabetic medications with your doctor before surgery.
6- Fasting 12 hours before surgery.

Examples of post-gastric bypass instructions include:

1- Follow the special diet plan for bariatric surgery, which is divided into four stages.
2. Take vitamins or supplements for at least two years after bariatric surgery to ensure overall health.
3- Be sure to drink enough water with walking for at least half an hour as a daily sports habit that helps to lose weight and ensure the success of the surgery.
4- Comply with regular follow-up appointments with your doctor to ensure that general health is maintained and that excess weight is reduced in a healthy way.
5- Perform laboratory blood tests and examinations in the first months after gastric bypass surgery.

Finally, dear reader, we wish you all the health and prosperity. Always be healthy.

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